Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Science Fair

D'oh, again with the backwards pictures. I always forget how Blogger uploads. Oh well.

Michael did the Science Fair last week. I was so proud, because he REALLY wanted to do it, even though he got the information really late. He only had a week and a couple days to do his stuff, but he worked so hard every night.

Michael and Darwin did an experiement on energy efficency and asked the question, "Does it hotter water cool faster than warm water?"

They designed an experiement to test their hypothesis and ran it 6 times. They recorded the data and put it into Excel and made some graphs and they proved that yes, hotter water cools faster, so it takes more energy to keep hot water hot than to keep warm water warm.

I was really proud of how scientific Michael was about the whole thing. And with Darwin on the case, you can bet they followed the scientific method to a T.

I can't wait to see what they come up with next year! Give the boy three weeks and he'll blow them all away!


Linda said...

Love the concentration on Michael's face! I'm glad he was interested. I remember when his aunts used to do all the science fair stuff--I think Ruth even got a trophy one year. I'm sure his dad was in it one time, but I don't remember the older ones Science experiments, so not sure if the school did them back then.

Cynthia said...

How cute!! I bet Darwin loved doing the project with Michael.