Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Possibly helpful tip

I'm just gonna pass this along, in case any of you ever need it.

One of the kids got my point and shoot and was playing with it. (I really don't know which.) They took it into the bathroom. By the time I found it, it had aparantly been dropped in the tub and retrieved and put on the counter. Most of the water had drained out, but the lens did have some water sitting in the bottom.

When I picked it up, it kept slowly leaking water.

So I took out the battery and the memory card and put everything into a bucket of rice (we have a bucket the kids play in) and left it there for over a week.

When I pulled it back out and put it back together, it worked like a charm.

So, just passing that along, but hope you never need it.


Cynthia said...

very creative! I hope I never need it but glad to know what to do if I do need it.

Markell said...

Good tip! Hopefully I'll never need it. Fingers crossed!

Linda said...

Do you think that would work for watches that get wet?? Glad it worked for your lens!

Rachel said...

It's worth a try!

Kim said...

I'm glad to know the rice works. I'd heard that you could use those silicon packets that come in various products, but those are harder to find than rice.

Holly B. said...

Not only are you wonderfully talented but calm and clever to boot. I would have had a hissy fit.