Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lehi Folks, a word of caution

In the very late evening of Tuesday, McKay woke up in a lot of pain, with his hand rapidly and inexplicably swelling. Since we were unable to tell if it was affecting his breathing we called the paramedics. They were mystified. We took him to the ER, they too were unsure what it could be. There was really no mark, other than the huge swelling.

In the morning, we saw the small beginnings of a blister and we took McKay to the dr. for follow-up. The dr. felt fairly sure it was a spider bite, but was unsure if it was a black widow or brown recluse. Neither scenario fit perfectly, but it was more satisfactory than other answers, so we began treatment for that (oral prednisone.)

A friend who saw that this was the diagnosis on Facebook suggested looking at Hobo spider bites, as they were often improperly labeled as Brown Recluse bites. After a bit of Googling and identification, I was quickly and sickeningly aware that I have seen this spider MANY times around our yard. I have boldly cleaned up many a web, especially where the siding meets the foundation of the house. I have seen the funnel shaped webs in my rose bushes, at the base where the main branches make a V. I have seen them along the fence as I have watered my garden and picked vegetables. I thought nothing of it, as I am usually fine with the natural cycle of life.

However, I am now planning to be extra vigilant. I have set up hobo traps and we have (while wearing long pants, long shirts and gloves) sprayed all the funnel webs we could find--and there were many. I will be inspecting the children's playhouse and swingset, trampoline, climbers, the hammock and garden area, etc. MUCH more carefully and much more often now.

Hobo Spider

This is a link to a picture of a Hobo spider. I would feel pretty confident that you've probably seen them about.

Funnel Web

This is a link to a "funnel web" picture. Again, I am sure you've seen them around.

I was shocked (and kind of bizarrely facinated) when I was walking by a rose bush early this year to catch a show of a spider--that I know know was a hobo--jumping from it's web and attacking a wasp in mid-flight. They don't use sticky webs, so they are more agressive, as they are required to be to obtain food.

Anyway, please be aware of these spiders. I have seen them and I have honestly thought they were just a garden spider, and as such I was leaving them entirely alone to maintain the balance of the ecosphere of my yard, etc. No more. I will leave garden spiders alone, but war has been declared on hobos. My yard has entirely too many children playing in it to have these spiders out there. It has been scary and painful, to say the least.I just wanted to make all of my friends and neighbors in the same area aware that these spiders are out there and what the symptoms and signs of the bites are. Fast treatement is very important to a good, and less painful outcome. We're still in the midst of it, but I hope our fast actions and treatment will make healing much quicker and less painful/scarring, etc.


Kathryn said...

We had these spiders (8, in fact) throughout our basement when we moved into that neighborhood. Have them removed PROFESSIONALLY - they are very quick & hide very well. Just spraying the area with bug spray won't always kill them.

Be sure to check your window wells along the sides where they meet your windows, under baseboards, under food storage shelves, and in corners of closets.

I'm so sorry sweet McKay has to deal with this!! We'll be keeping him in our thoughts & prayers.

Linda said...

WOW--how scary! I hope McKay recovers quickly. Thank you for sharing all the info. I'm not sure I have seen any, but I will definitely pay more attention to the spiders around here, especially in all my rocky areas. For some reason I have not seen lots of spider webs of any kind. I think Caisa is aware of these spiders as I heard her mention them one time. It's too bad he can't just save everything for the wasps and get rid of them!

Melanie said...


We have these Everywhere up here. We have to spray to keep the population down. They are very resisitant spiders and very very hazardous. Otho Max is the only thing I have found that has worked and is safe for my family. They are worst during mating season Aug-October. Ryan got a bad bite took weeks to completely go away. I hope Mckay feels better soon.

Trimble said...

We just had Spider Spray out. I hope it worked for stupid Hobo spiders!

Markell said...

I know my parents have struggled with them for years in Idaho. When Christina was a baby she did get a bite but it went away within a few days. My parents also had some things they plugged into outlets to help keep them out of the house.

Our prayers are with you.

Alison said...

How scary! I hope McKay is doing better! Thanks for sharing the infomation. I've never seen those kind of spider webs, but I will watch out for them.

Sarah said...

I'm so sorry. Stuff like this always makes me feel nervous. I hope McKay feels better soon