Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The end of an era

I am still on the rather slow desktop (I am pondering getting more memory for it, since aparantly I will be on it another week), so I am a bit behind in converting the pictures from the dance festival. Those will be uploaded shortly.

But gosh, it's hitting me so hard today that McKay is almost graduated from Mr. Harris' class. Which means, for the first time in 4 years, we won't have a kid in his class. I knew this day was coming. In fact, I was aware of it throughout the year that this was our last year. But today as we went to the last Singing Time for Parents and they did a little graduation ceremony...I just couldn't block it from my mind anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I am excited about Mrs. Chirrick. She is a fabulous teacher and a rockstar as well. She is a quiet powerhouse. I've seen great strides in Michael this year and I am excited for McKay and what the future hold.

But gosh, it's hard to say goodbye (not forever, for sure) to someone who has been such a powerful advocate for my kids. His aides have won my hearts and hold a very special place. McKay sees Mrs. Jones as a second mom and a great friend. They all have felt like family. I always knew I could turn to this second family for advice, support, and if nothing else, a shoulder to cry on. One who would understand exactly what I was going though and feeling.

So, while it is joyous that we have had such a wonderful, positive year of learning and growing, the growing pains are hitting me this afternoon and I feel a little teary. But we certainly are richer for having had such a wonderful advocate for our sons.

Thank you Harris and gang! We certainly are blessed to have had our sons in your class.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I completely understand your feelings! I remember when Alix moved out from under the wings of her aides & teachers that had carried us through those tough years. I wish we'd had a Mr. Harris for Alix all those years ago...

It's a bittersweet moment when a part of the safety net falls away. But then they fly and the joys are unbelievable!

AMEN to a "Hooray for Mr. Harris!" :)