Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thank you, thank you...we'll be here all week!

We were at Costco last night, providing laughs for all. We also might have helped some people consider family planning as well.

First off, as we were walking through the aisles, Garrett kept wiggling in the seat of the cart. I kept telling him to sit and he would for a moment, and then the wiggles would overtake him again. I finally grabbed his arms and looked at him and said, "You need to stay in your seat, do you understand me?"

He looked at me, just as seriously, and replied, "Yes Master."

Yes, I could hear giggles all around me from my fellow shoppers.

Then on the way out we decided that we would get some berry smoothies for the kids. It was really a nice idea. Everyone was happy. Smiles abounded. Until...Ella dropped her smoothie on the floor on the way out. Oops. We went and found someone to alert them to the need for a mop, while I tried to get the worst of it up with some napkins. As the employee was approaching, Michael dropped his smoothie. Yeah, that is a lot of smoothie for a small area of Costco. The employee was so kind and laughed and laughed at it. She also told us to go get a replacement smoothie. (I thought that was really brave of her.)

By the time we left, I think the employees were both chuckling and breathing a sigh of relief.


Kathryn said...

I needed a good belly laugh today -

Thanks for the best one I've had in awhile!

"Yes, Master" - *giggle*

Kathryn said...

PS - Will you call me next time you go to Costco? I think it would be worth the trip, just to tag along! :)

Trimble said...

Oh Rachel, you're a saint for not freaking out! :)

Rachel said...

Oh and to be clear, they didn't drop them on purpose. It was just a weird, slick finger day, I guess?

Megan said...

Kids are lots of work but at least they are entertaining.

Helen said...

All par for the course, huh? I'm sure the giggles were a combination of "I can see the humor in it when it's someone else's kids," and "I'm glad it's not my kids *this time*."

Maybe the kids could develop a Sully/Mike Wakowski routine to go along with the other stuff? :D Everyone needs a little comic relief at Costco. :)

Kim said...

I thought of you guys and started laughing while I was at Costco today. I'm sure I looked like a lunatic laughing at nothing. You probably gave somebody a good lesson in patience.