Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So I have totally neglected my blog.


But let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

1) Late October-most of November was the time of the plague in the abode of Rehart. It was one thing after another. Sore throats. Fluishness. Vomiting. High fevers of unexplained origins. So, we stayed home. A lot. I think I bought one tank of gas for the minivan in about a month. The house was not destroyed utterly in the end, so I count that time as a success in our family history.

2) Ella was potty trained. She pretty much rocks. I didn't really do anything to teach her, she just saw all the praise Garrett got when he used the potty (he's been trained awhile, but he still likes to proclaim about his successes), and she decided that she could totally do it. She was right.

3) I have been a maniac. Preschool shoots, a wedding, and a meeeellllllion family shoots later...I am ready for a break. But I will smile as I receive Christmas cards, as many of them will feature photos that I took. ;) I still have a couple family shoots and 2 weddings on the books. I think a few weeks off would be good though. I am starting to feel burned out from literally shooting at least twice a week (and 5 times over Thanksgiving week.) I've been editing an average of 100 pics a day for a bit. I'm getting darn fast though.

4) The house is decorated for Christmas and pictures will be forthcoming. It is hilariously cute to see Ella in amazement at the tree full of little "toys." Garrett also has lots of ideas about Santa Claus. Oh and Michael and McKay came up with the 13th and 14th verses of the 12 Days of Christmas. Michael thinks 13 should be 13 Chocolate Turkeys. And McKay thinks 14 needs to be 14 Disney Videos. Works for me.

5) I also have a bunch of photos of the boys rock climbing at the climbing wall in SLC. They are doing a cool class for kids with autism. It's been great. I will post them in a bit. (I am on the wrong computer, my external hard drive is hooked up to my other computer.)

I think that is it for the moment. I also have trouble sleeping (I have for about 6 months), so I am now totally caught up on the TV show House. Any input on what show I ought to catch up on next in my extra night time hours while I edit? I like the background noise.


Linda said...

It's really great to see a blog! I hope the "gambuzzies" or whatever goes thru the family decides to take flight and leave you alone for awhile! No ideas for TV--I usually listen to the radio at that time of night. Hopefully, January is calmer for you! Since the boys are so good at climbing trees, they should be great on the rocks. How Fun!

Anonymous said...

hmmm....i would say lost, but you are probably already caught up on those.. i hear 24 is good, but i think it gets your adrenaline going and makes it harder to fall asleep, so maybe not the best. what about the office or 30 rock, something funny is always good late at night, or seinfeld :)

Markell said...

So jealous about no diapers! I feel like we're stuck with those for quite a while still.

Kathryn said...

What a full & happy life you lead!! Sorry we've added to your stress level with the pictures & me whining on FB about nobody blogging anymore. :)

As far as late-night TV goes, Law & Order puts me to sleep EVERY time.