Friday, March 13, 2009

Frog and Toad

On Tuesday, McKay's class went to see the play Frog and Toad at the Jr. High School. (I don't know which school, exactly.)

Since then, McKay has been completely mesmerized by the idea of school plays. He wants to be in a play. He wants to go see plays. He wants to wear his costume (a Superman cape and a jester hat) to school and everywhere.

McKay has, aparantly, been bitten by the theater bug.


Kathryn said...

What an EXCELLENT bug to be bitten by!

MUCH better than a tick.

(Can you tell we've been reading our handbook for Trek this summer?)

Kim said...

I thought they saw that at the Scera theater. That is what Jonathan said, but you know how things get lost in the translation... Anyway, that is really cute of him. I think McKay would make a wonderful actor.

Anonymous said...

what fun!