Tuesday, November 4, 2008


From Megan of Spamdrew Family fame.

A. Attached or single? Attached.

B. Best friend? Darwin is my best bud, but for someone I can just call and chat with over all the girl stuff, Christie.

C. Cake or pie? Usually pie.

D. Day of Choice? Friday (the promise of the weekend is sometimes even better than the weekend itself.)

E. Essential Item? Camera and the computer to go with it.

F. Favorite color? Huh. Tricky. Brick red for decorating. Black to wear. White to look at. (Pink for little girl clothes...hee!)

G. Gummy bears or worms? If I HAVE to...worms.

H. Hometown? Orem, Utah

I. Favorite indulgence? Sleep and my camera. (and Lost, when its on.)

J. January or July? July! My birthday.

K. Kids? Michael, McKay, Hannah, Garrett, Ella.

L. Life isn't complete without? Friends and family

M. Marriage Date? June 28,1997. (I could leave that the same Megan!)

N. Number of brothers and sisters? 1 sister, 2 brothers, 1 step-brother.

O. Oranges or apples? Apples.

P. Phobias? Unlocked doors--when McKay is home.

Q. Quotes? "I love Technology!"

R. Reasons to smile? How sweet the kids are being to Ella. It warms my heart.

S. Season of choice? Fall! Colors, fun, less allergies.

T. Tag 5 people: Christie, Helen, Cathie, Jenny, and anyone else who wants to do it! Ha ha ha. I cheat.

V. This one was empty. Maybe V stands for Vacant.

U. Unknown fact about me? I am legally blind without my glasses.

W. Worst habit? Staying up too late at night.

X. X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound (At least it might be for something good...)

Y. Your favorite food? Mashed potatoes.

Z. Zodiac sign? Cancer


Cathie said...

I see I have been tagged.....oh okay I can do this!

Fancypants said...

I concur - apples over oranges. It all boils down to how much work it takes to eat the food - that's my philosphy...plus oranges can get very chewy and stringy...not it a good way. In a envoke-your-gag-reflexes way.

Kathryn said...

That was fun! I love these kinda things. You learn so much.

But I've gotta say - Give oranges a chance! I grew up around orange groves. There's nothing like a fresh, ripe Valencia orange to make your day.

(But I still picked apples! haha)

Trimble said...

I'm totally blind w/o correction too!