Friday, November 14, 2008

Duck and Cover

We've been hit hard by the stomach bug that's been going around. McKay got it on Wed. He missed school Wed. and Thurs.

Last night I was thinking, "Hey, ok, I think were done!"

Sadly, I spoke/thought too soon. This morning I had three more pukers. Hannah, Garrett and Michael.

But can I just say that puking sickness, while always unfun for those involved, is LESS unfun for the mom when most of the kids are old enough to do what needs to be done in a bucket. It has been many years where I had to listen vigilantly so I could grab the kid and run for the bathroom if anything sounded amiss.

So while everyone is uncomfortable, at least it is easier to keep clean. Hey, I'll take any positive I can get. I also know they'll all be feeling a lot better tomorrow.


Trimble said...

Yuck, so sorry to hear you're all sick once again. :(

Rachel said...

'Tis ok. Its what happens when you have a bunch of kids who go to school and stuff. :D

Megan said...

Poor thing. Hope you feel better soon.

Cynthia said...

Oh I so dislike the pukes! Definitely a plus, though, when kids can tell you before they puke.

Adrian said...

sorry your all sick. Let me know if I can help!!

cathy said...

OH NO! That's horrible. And I totally agree with your bucket comment. Hope everyone is better soon!

Markell said...

It's great when they get to that point of using a bucket. Puking is not fun for anyone--especially the mom and washer. Just be grateful you don't have carpet in your bathroom--that's so fun!

Melanie said...

Rachel, We are having the same thing at our house. It's awful, awful stuff. I'm the loan survivor right now. I'll pray for you if ya pray for me. Mom's simply cannot go down with the ship.

Kathryn said...

OH NO!! Everybody MUST get better soon. Even if we are happy about the barfing in the bucket skill.

It's a skill I'd rather talk about than experience.

(Oh yea - don't blow it north, please.)