Sunday, June 8, 2008

The BEST $15 I ever spent

I love my handheld showerhead. I can toss kid after kid into the shower, squirt them down, have them wash up and then hose them off. Showers are suddenly way way less wet for me and much much faster. Plus it was on sale at Home Depot. You totally can't beat a cheap, easy shower or clean kids. Well, come to think of it, you shouldn't beat dirty kids either. ;)

Only a few notches below the amazing showerhead of awesomeness is the automatic shower cleaner. Ahhh. It never complains when I tell it to clean. I do have to touch up and do a nice through cleaning every couple months, but otherwise, it keeps my shower just gleaming. It also really reduces the hardwater spots and soap scum, so the deep cleaning sessions are super duper easy.

So, let's review. Clean kids. Clean shower. All easy. Happy mommy.

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