Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Still laughing

There have been so many kids in and out all summer. It is almost funny. McKay has been a pretty good sport too. I've been impressed with his tolerance for all the disturbance to routine, all the people when he would prefer quiet, and all of the constant noise. I think it's been good for him.

Anyway, the other day, a neighbor boy came in with the kids when they got a drink. (It has been so hot all of the sudden.) While we poured drinks, he went off to find McKay. I heard this exhange.

Neighbor boy: Hi McKay!

McKay (in a scandalized voice): Don't call me McKay! I'm a lady!

I think I have discovered it was from the Backyardigans Super Secret Super Spy video. Ha ha ha.

So proper!


Fancypants said...

Sounds like there is never a dull moment in your house. My sis-in-law's good friend is the renter of the Patty's old house. I think she is on McKay's "8 house radius".

Rachel said...

Ahh! She totally is! He loves her house for her Very Hungry Catapillar book. LOVES it. We finally got him one of his own so they could have some peace!

Mary Denton Taylor said...

Great story Rachel! And thanks for allowing my kids to be some of the noise!!!!!! :)