Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Update on the Legislature

Well, the preschools have been saved.


I know there will need to be cuts made across education and to many programs. I understand that and I am ok with that. But they should be across the board in education, not cutting out an entire, very vitally needed program.

Thank you for your support and help.

In other news, the legislature is considering mandating insurance companies cover autism. This is a long long overdue move. We even had trouble getting McKay's gastrointestinal issues covered because it was autism-related. (Children with autism often have GI issues.) So, for some odd reason, anyone else can go to the gastrointerologist for intestinal issues and it will be covered, but not if you have autism. So this will bring a measure of fairness to people who are paying for insurance so that they can use it in the same way non-disabled people do.

I was so excited to read about this...and then I read those mandates will only be effective until the child reaches 9 years old. *sigh* I am glad that some kids with autism will get fair and equal treatment for awhile. But sadly, it most likely will not reach our kids in time. Bah. But hey, one step at a time towards equality, eh?


Kim said...

So why is 9 the magic age where you don't need insurance coverage anymore? That's great that some kids will be able to get insurance coverage, but sad that yours won't.

cathy said...

9 - can you get anymore random an age than that? Keep fighting the good fight, Rachel!

Alison said...

Unbelievable! Keep fighting!

Kathryn said...

9?? That's the age Alix was diagnosed! Sigh.

I'm gonna be positive here and say YEA for the preschools.

And we'll just have to keep on top of the legislature until they hear AND understand.