Monday, January 5, 2009

Yet ANOTHER ear infection.


This cold weather is the pits. Ella's getting ANOTHER ear infection (her 3rd in about 3 months...) and that makes it seem even MORE frusterating.

I had gotten to this incredibly zen mom-of-many place about my kids and colds. I used to freak out when I saw kids with runny noses within a 25 foot radius of any of my children. But gradually, I lightened up. I realized that the immune system WILL get a jumpstart, be it now or in nursery, or preschool, or kindergarten. I might fight the good fight and delay the Year of a Million Colds...but I would never get rid of that year. And once that year passed, we would all be much healthier. Everyone's immune systems would be strong and while we might get sick once or twice a year, it would not kill us.

And then I had ELLA! All of my other kids were relatively ear-infection-free. Michael had one. McKay had one. Hannah had a few, but grew out of them by 9 months or so. Garrett never has had one. But Ella has had 4, and 3 of them in the last 3 months! So 1) we are trying some stronger medicine and 2) I am reverting into my old ways. When I see a runny nose, I turn the other direction. Every single time Ella has gotten a cold, it turns into an infection, which means medicine, which leads to a diaper rash...and so it goes. Ugh.

So, here's hoping the Omnicef does the trick. Still, look how happy she is for having a cold, an ear infection, and having her top two teeth coming through as we speak? Aren't I a lucky stinker?


cathy said...

I hear you. Emma doesn't get ear infections, but she gets everything else under the sun. Hope Ella feels better soon and has a nice loooong stretch with no ear infections!

Kathryn said...

Oh - poor Ella. What a sweetheart she is though. :)

I had MILLIONS (slight exaggeration, but it really felt that way!) of ear infections as a kid. I still get 'em if I let the sniffles go too long.

Run from the boogers and pray for good meds.

Kim said...

Jonathan had the exact same problems at Ella's age. He ended up getting tubes in his ears. If I remember correctly, omnicef was a good antibiotic. Not so great for the diaper rash though. I hope Ella recovers quickly.

Trimble said...

So sad, hope she feels better soon!

Fancypants said...


You are both troopers. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Ugh!! I hate ear infections...and I'm not sure why some kids get them more than others.

Hang in there...if any mom can do it, you can. :) She's lucky to have you.

Megan said...

Hope everyone is healthy soon.