Friday, August 22, 2008


So, the cat has been resting for a couple of days and his leg has been totally immobilized. I unwrapped it today to check it and wash the bandages and he seems to be able to bear weight on it with just a tiny limp now.

So I am assuming it was not broken, just sprained. YAY! If it was broken, due to his age, we probably would have had to take the cat to the vet for surgery to set it with pins. So, I am pretty happy we dodged that. Both pain-wise and money-wise.

So now to keep him resting for the next week or so. I think I'll take the hard splint off and just wrap it with bandages for the next couple days. I wouldn't want him to re-injure it.

Yay! Saint kitty is ok!


Kim said...

I saw this on You Tube and it made me think of the mean kitty who attacked your kitty.

Helen said...

I'm so glad McGonnegal is doing okay now!