Thursday, July 17, 2008

School stuff is starting

We got the boys letters from the transportation department today. The first sign that school is looming. Because they changed around the boundries for our school's autism unit last year, we are also going to be changing start times. We've always had the boys starting school at 8 am. In Kindergarten, McKay's bus would pick him up at 6:55 am. (He was going to a different school for Kindergarten. One about ten miles away.) This year, we've moved to 9:15. I think the boys will appreciate the change. But it brings up an interesting question. What to do with Hannah? I think the bus will take her too. I know some siblings have been allowed to ride the bus as well. Since Hannah will be starting Kindergarten at the same school I can either drive them all, or they can all take the bus, but I can't leave the boys for the bus to pick up while I drive Hannah. I also can't let Hannah be late everyday while we wait for the bus. So I will call tomorrow and figure out which it will be. Most likely Hannah will get to ride the bus, which I think will thrill her.

We're lucky that our neighborhood school just happens to be the one with the most awesome autism unit in it. For this reason alone, we will probably stay in this house until the boys are done with 6th grade at least. That way we can't get moved out of the boundries of the school. It is also really nice that the boys get the normalcy of attending the same school as their neighborhood/church peers. I think that is really important.

Summer is ticking by. This is another reminder of it. In some ways this has been a hard hard draining summer. But it is always bittersweet to see summer going.


Kim said...

ifxkrI'm pretty sure Jonathan will be on the 9:15 schedule, but I don't know for sure yet. If they won't let Hannah ride the bus, she can ride with us.

cathy said...

What a dilemma! Hope it all sorts itself out in a good way. I'm so not ready for summer to be ending yet, but I'll be that Hannah (and maybe the boys too?) are ready for school to start!