Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our poor kitty

Our poor kitty has had a rough summer.

First off he is long-haired and dark-colored. Second, his hair doesn't shed, it tangles and makes matts. So he has to keep getting matts cut out. He looks dreadful by this late in the summer. He'll be fine and lovely by October, but for now, he looks pitiful.

Then there is another kitty who keeps coming into our garage and thinks it will fight McGonagall for the turf. Grrr. He got a scratch two weeks ago that got infected, so I had to clean and disinfect and medicate it each day, a couple of times a day. It's doing ok now.

And today? It looks like his foot might be broken. *sigh* I just splinted it and wrapped it. He's had a broken foot before. Right before we officially adopted him, he somehow broke his foot and we spent a lot getting it fixed, so we figured he was ours after that. At least I have the spint and the knowledge of how to wrap it. If it is not healing in a week, I'll take him in for a check. I am still hoping it is just a sprain and that with it immobilized and him resting inside (and all the food inside away from the mean cat...) he will heal quickly.

He's so much older though. I hope it is not broken, because if it is broken, I am worried it won't heal well at all. It's probably kind of silly, but prayers for our sweet kitty would be appreciated.


Kim said...

Oh no! Poor McGonagall. I hope his foot is not broken and it heals well. Our dogs are older now and the vet has recommended special food or supplements for their joints. I wonder if that would help your cat as well. We also had to start buying them the senior food a couple years ago. I wish our animals didn't have to age so fast.

cathy said...

Poor kitty! And YOU - splinting and wrapping a broken cat's foot?!? Yes, you truly are supermom! I think that I would have been scratched head to toe if I had tried to do that with my kitty.

Mir said...

Poor guy. Our Manx is an outdoor cat because she wouldn't show love for the litter box. Every few months some rogue cat tries to tear her up, and we patch her back up and send her on her way after a few days in the garage. I worry about her but at this point she likes being outside so much that she whines to go out.

LOVE the name, BTW!