Saturday, October 4, 2008

Come What May and Love It

Joseph B. Withlin just gave a great talk based on this phrase coined by his mother. He told many wonderful stories about things not turning out as planned, but how they were embraced. He spoke of his grandson Joseph who has autism and how it has been hard, but how he has been a wonderful part of the family.

Come what may and love it. This may have been our family's motto--just without us knowing it.


Cynthia said...

I really liked that talk too and I was thinking about your family when he was sharing about his grandson. I am also glad you clarified for me what his mom told him. I kept hearing "come with me and love it," so I was a little confused on that part. But now I get it- all is good.

Kathryn said...

I totally get where you're coming from. :)
