Saturday, October 18, 2008

Our day at the Haunted Village

Beware, there are loads of pictures. We had a ton of fun! I was surprised I took as many pictures as I did, because I worried I had not taken enough, since I kept my camera away a lot because the kids were VERY busy and running every which way, and the lighting was really tricky with all of the bright light and lots of shadows, so I didn't have time to think about it very much at all. But I got home and had a fair amount of pictures of our fun day!

Grandma R is a docent at the This Is the Place Park and they are doing their Haunted Village. It is a village with real pioneer houses and buildings all set up as a historic village. It is decorated for Halloween for October. It also has lots of Halloween-themed crafts and activities and some treats for the kids. The kids also got to dress up.

We went with Grandma R, Auntie Alison and her kids and Auntie Caisa and her kids. There were a lot of kids. :D This was our best shot at a picture with all of the kids. There are 10 kids, minus Ella. (That half of a head of a little boy and the pink dress girl don't belong to us.)
Michael wandered away quite a few times. More than usual and more than a 9 year old ought to we put him in the stocks! Heh.
These pictures were taken at the schoolhouse (Grandma R was stationed here last year) and the kids had fun doing little crafts where they "colored" by scratching black off of a colored cut-out of a bat, pumpkin, or other fall item. (They seemed kind of appropriate to do with a vintage coloring.)
The older kids were REALLY into doing the crafts and worked for about a half an hour on theirs.
Garrett spent more time wandering around and exploring. He liked that he could open the cupboards on the backs of the benches. He also found the pot-bellied stove facinating.

McKay sat in the stroller for most of the time in the schoolhouse and picked at his lunch. You can see he really enjoyed his ketchup and drink.

Notice Michael's hand? He didn't want the face-painter to do his face. But he liked the skeleton.

Hannah was fine with getting her face painted.They all enjoyed riding on the horses. (My arms were too full to take any other pictures here.)
This was the beginning of the day on the little train that rides around the park. ALL the kids loved the train, but McKay and Garrett were huge fans. Once, McKay wandered off and we were looking and looking and thankfully Caisa noticed at the LAST second that he was sitting on the train. We literally grabbed him as the train started to drive off. It had to stop for us as we unloaded him.
Whew, that was close.

The cornmaze was probably Michael's favorite. They all loved running around and trying to find their way though, but Michael probably ran the length of the maze about 3 times. It was perfect for little kids as it was not too dense or tall and easy enough to navigate. Ella just liked eating it all.I really thought I had taken a shot of the Main Street, but this is the best I have. There were a lot of houses, a church, a bank, etc.
This is a cute little pond on the outskirts of "town." A miniature train goes around it and people can ride on it. All of the kids really enjoyed riding on it and we went twice. This is the hotel where you can get your food. McKay especially loved his hamburger, but we were all famished by lunchtime. The kids were buring energy running and the adults were burning energy keeping up with them.This was Mary Fielding's house (right?? Mom R?) It was kind of away from the rest of the town, because that was how she'd wanted it way back when.

This was just another shot of the town. It really is a big park with lots of buildings (and lots to do and see inside and around each building) and lots to do. This is really just a tiny fraction of all that is there.

The kids asked to go back this morning! I think they had a lot of fun.


Kim said...

That looks like a fun place. There are so many fun Halloween/Fall places to visit and so little time.

Cynthia said...

What a fun day! It was great to see the first pic with all the kids. At first I though Jameson was Steen. Oops!

Linda said...

that's a great picture of all the kids. I'm glad the kids had so much fun! I love the village and love to share it with them. And yes I think that is Mary F Smith's home. It's a lighter color than I'm used to seeing and from a different viewpoint. There is also a white stone building near the pond and the mill that looks similar. Mary's is pinkish, but when I tried to look really close at the one in the picture, it looked like it might have a pink tint to it. Grandma R:)

Rachel said...

Hmmm, I have another picture with more pink/brown stones. It is 2-storied too. Maybe that picture is it?

I'll email it to you for confirmation.

Kathryn said...

We've been talking & talking about going, but haven't made it yet as a family. The girls went with Young Women, but we haven't gone. The photos make it look so fun!! I'll have to get it on the calendar. :)