Friday, September 5, 2008


It seems like a back-to-school tradition.

A couple weeks after school starts, at least one of the kids comes down with something. Does this happen to anyone else? It happens without fail in our house.

This time Michael drew the short straw. He is S.I.C.K. He has slept for pretty much 2 days straight. He has a fever. He is throwing up. He has a congested nose. He had a hacking cough. He looks like he's been hit by a truck.

Michael is rarely sick, so this is not something he is used to. He is not pleased with the situation either. But at least he is able to sleep through a lot of it. Of course, that means he is drinking sparsely and eating even less. He is so skinny, losing weight it NOT at the top of his list of things he needs to do. I've even toyed with taking him to the doctor. This is rarely a course of action I resort to. If there is not blood or broken bones, we usually stay home. And in the end, I think I will not take Michael in to the doctor. Mainly because I am fairly sure it is viral and he got it at school, and if I go to the doctor we will be the proud new owners of a pet Strep bug and it will share the love with Michael and every other kid in the house in turn. Still, Michael is so skinny, any sickness just scares me.

I'm sure he'll be better in no time. Still, it doesn't make this moment any easier for him.

Really, does this happen to everyone else? Does the beginning of school signal a sickness coming 2 weeks down the pipeline?


Fancypants said...

I can't recall sensing a pattern with back-to-school illness issues. Best of luck. Maybe Berkley's ice cream would make him feel better. Oops! All gone.

Bekah said...

You hit it right on the nail. Even for us homeschoolers, we get hit with the germs that other schooling kids bring home, after they play with our kids! It typically takes about three weeks here, but then it's up and down until Christmas, when it seems like all the sharing is done for the school year. *sigh * At least we don't get as many bugs. I'll be praying for Michael, and for health for the rest of you!

Kim said...

Well, I *think* it is happening to me. I feel like crap today. But I really really really really hope I don't have what Michael has. Poor kid. I hope he feels better soon.

cathy said...

Aw, poor Michael! And, yes, starting school seems to signal the start of illnesses here too. I'm be careful to give Ben his multivitamin every day right now in a vain attempt to stave any off.