Thursday, September 18, 2008

Terrible Twos? I think not.

I know I don't comment on Garrett often. Which is a shame. Truly, he is just so even-tempered, well-behaved and easygoing that it probably would not be a very good story, if I was writing a story. No conflict. No adventure.
But it does make for a very easy time being the mommy.
This is an unabashed "Garrett Love" post.
Three funny things Garrett does:
  • Tells me he is a letter T or O and makes them with his arms.
  • Gives me precise directions to the school everytime we go to pick up Hannah. i.e. "Turn up there mom. Now! Go straight now mom. For a long time."
  • Puts the teddy bear in the carseat, complete with buckles.

Three adorable things Garrett does:

  • He knows where EACH one of his siblings is at all times, even if they are not home. (Within reason--sometimes McKay's whereabouts are not knowable.) I can say, "Where is Michael?" And Garrett will reply, "At school."
  • He loves to share his love of his siblings. While we were at the doctor's office yesterday, he kepts stroking Ella's face and quietly proclaiming, "I love my baby" while I spoke to the doctor. Halfway through a statement, the doctor stopped and broke into a grin and said, "Man, he is so cute, isn't he?" Why yes, he is.
  • He tells me he is SuperBoy.

Three things I am grateful for about Garrett:

  • He likes to clean. He might be what one would call a "neatnik."
  • He has amazing speech. I don't have to worry about delays. I was worried about worrying when he was born. (Uh, that was a lot of worrying, no?)
  • That he is a good listener and a kind friend.

Three amazing things about Garrett:

  • Knows almost all his letters and most of their sounds and can make quite a few of them with his body.
  • He knows how to count to about 8 with perfect one-to-one correspondence. Above that, it gets pretty sketchy.
  • He wears 4 T footie jammies...and the legs seem a bit short. (He's barely 2.5 years old.)

Garrett, Garrett, he's our man! If he can't do it, no one can!! Goooooo Garrett!


Kim said...

I love Garrett. I just want to steal him. He is such a special boy and the nicest 2 year old I have ever known.

Teri Le said...

Awww, that just makes me smile!!

Melanie said...

What a great idea. I was just thinking the same thing about one of my kids that's more quite. I should do that on my blog. Have a great day. Cute kid.

Fancypants said...

I don't really know Garrett that well, but I'll take your word on everything. If Berkley could convey her experiences from Nursery concerning Garrett I'm sure it would be a glowing review.

Anonymous said...

He is such a GREAT kid! LUCKY you to have him in your life!

Kathryn said...

AWWW!! I LOVE the "Mommy-Love" posts!

And I"m sure I love Garrett too. At least I feel like I do after reading that post! :)

Linda said...

What a wonderful tribute to a special child! Much love to Garrett (& actually to the other munchkins, too.) Grandma R:)

Ahnah said...

I love Garrett!! He's just so sweet!