Sunday, September 7, 2008

We survived!

It was Stake Conference this weekend.

Since poor Michael is still sick (fever, vomiting, the works...) we have to have at least one adult home with him all the time. So Darwin went to the Adult session last night and I took the kids to the general session this morning.

I really was not looking forward to having to sit for 2 hours with 4 of the kids by myself. It turned out that it was actually a regional/multi-stake conference being broadcast from BYU to 100+ Utah Valley stakes. This is where leaving the daily BYU devotional on to listen to every morning has paid off! (It is on the local PBS affiliate, and it comes on in the middle of the PBS Kids programming each day.) McKay sat still and listened, because he assumed it was PBS Kids. :D

Hannah and Garrett did pretty well for the first hour and a half. They were pretty wiggly for the last half hour, but so were all the other kids in the room. Ella did well, but was very sleepy by the end. She came home and slept for about 3 hours.

It was a great meeting. Marlon K. Jenson had a wonderful talk about accepting everyone, even those who are considered "different", and he had some wonderful examples of his special needs brother. It was a very inspiring and peaceful meeting, but mostly, I am just so pleased with how well the kids did sitting for 2 hours and being quiet and listening.

They were awesome!


Linda said...

WOW!! How brave to take 4 kids by yourself! How blessed that they did so well1 Mom:)

Fancypants said...

I get wiggley the last half hour too :-)

Kim said...

I'm glad the kids were good for you. I wish I'd known you were there alone. I was too so we could have sat together.