Sunday, September 28, 2008


Let the baby-proofing begin.

Ella's been crawling for over a month and a half, but she is full-steam ahead now. With this new mobility comes some baby-proofing challenges. Her biggest targets to crawl towards are small items--toys, beads, cat food, cotton balls, anything little. If she sees something small she lunges at it with gusto and grabs it, stuffing it into her little mouth and chewing away.

So, now I get to try to keep the floors cleared. You'd think by baby #5 this would be old hat, but no, it is harder this time. First, because Ella seems to like to stick things in her mouth SO much more than the other kids did. And second, because the older kids are...well...older. They like older kid toys, which translates to smaller parts. Michael and McKay enjoyed (and still enjoy) younger kid toys much longer than the norm. They still enjoy the Little People. But as Michael has gotten older, he has started to like action figures with all their little accessories. McKay likes little playsets with intricate parts. Hannah has lots of Polly Pocket and Barbie and all of THEIR pieces. So now, there is ever so much more for Ella to stuff.

Wish me luck in this uphill battle.


Kim said...

Good luck! I used to cringe when my visiting teachers would come over with their babies. I'd try to pick up all the choking hazard toys, but that is almost impossible.

Melanie said...

You are living my life. AHHHH! It's an every moment challenge until bedtime.